84 Healthiest Food on Earth

Everybody is becoming more and more aware of the need to eat healthfully. The importance of a balanced diet for living a healthy lifestyle cannot be overstated. You may lead a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and making sure you get all the essential nutrients your body needs. A balanced diet is the foundation of healthy eating. Eating a nutritious diet has several advantages, like making you feel great, giving you more energy, improving your health, and improving your mood. To maximise the number of nutrients you consume, it makes sense to control your calorie consumption. Simply eating … Read more

103 Types Of Microgreens You Should Know

Microgreens are derived from ‘micro,’ meaning small, plus ‘greens,’ meaning vegetables. Microgreens are sprouted plants or baby plants that come along with the vegetables that we eat. We generally eat matured vegetables, but these tiny substances are highly nutritious, even more than the actual matured vegetable. These are called microgreens, young plants with the highest amount of taste, aroma, and flavors and are also packed with high loads of nutritional value. 103 Types Of Microgreens You Should Know 1. Spinach Spinach microgreens are an ideal option to include in your daily diet as they are hassle-free and grow in a … Read more

7 Ways Convert Junk Food Into Healthy Food

What is junk food? Any food that is processed, high in sugar, low in nutrition and fibers, and high in fats is called junk food. Junk food becomes an instant favorite as it makes us feel happy but at the cost of our health. Junk food and processed food items are creative, but the way they are cooked is wrong; some of the ingredients are bad for health as they are added in many quantities. We all love to eat burgers and pizzas; here is a better way to cook these at home and enjoy the food. These foods are … Read more

11 Foods To Help You Increase Your Haemoglobin Levels

Haemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells, which is highly rich in iron. It is one of the most critical proteins as it carries oxygen throughout our body and its normal levels in the body help in the proper functioning of the body. But nowadays, people do not pay much attention to their proper diet intake and experience stress and anxiety on a regular basis. Often due to being late for office or college, we skip our breakfast and even lunch. And sometimes, instead of having a proper meal filled with nutrients, we feed ourselves with instant or … Read more

12 Easy Vegetarian Salads To Add To Your Meal

Salads, especially vegetarian salads, are among the most nutritious and healthy foods that you can add to your daily diet as they add freshness and flavor to your meals. Vegetarian salads can be prepared within no time, and they are super easy to make and healthy to eat. In addition to vegetables, salads can also be prepared by adding sprouts, quinoa, pasta, and paneer. Olive oil, vinaigrette, flavored creams, or lime juice are common dressings for salads. These dressings make salads even more impressive and tastier. 12 Easy Vegetarian Salads To Add To Your Meal Going vegan and vegetarian is … Read more