103 Types Of Microgreens You Should Know

Microgreens are derived from ‘micro,’ meaning small, plus ‘greens,’ meaning vegetables. Microgreens are sprouted plants or baby plants that come along with the vegetables that we eat. We generally eat matured vegetables, but these tiny substances are highly nutritious, even more than the actual matured vegetable. These are called microgreens, young plants with the highest amount of taste, aroma, and flavors and are also packed with high loads of nutritional value. 103 Types Of Microgreens You Should Know 1. Spinach Spinach microgreens are an ideal option to include in your daily diet as they are hassle-free and grow in a … Read more

13 Indian Snacks That Can Suit Any Palate

The majority of India remains unknown for its innovative and tasty dishes. A land of many cultures, Indian snacks can prove to be surprising to both kin and abroad. We have snacks that have existed for as long as the memory of them remains, for they are just naturally delicious! 13 Indian Snacks That Can Suit Any Palate 1. Shakar Paras Shakar Paras, sweet pastry squares made from a simple dough of plain white flour and clarified butter, cut into pieces and deep-fried in bubbling oil. These diamond-shaped crackers are then coated in sweet sugar syrup that goes well with … Read more

8 Most Popular Indian Spices and Herbs

We all know Indians have the special knowledge of various spices due to which they can make boring food into an interesting one. They can very easily make use of Indian spices in perfect proportion and that’s why Indians are famous all over the world due to speciality of Indian spices. These Indian spices are not used immediately but after perfect blender or roasting it that can give perfect smell and texture.