14 Dishes Appreciated By The Presidents Of America

Food speaks its own language, and it is often said that one can gauge someone’s character by looking at their food preferences. Be it Roosevelt, Obama, Trump, or Joe Biden, the Presidents of America have always shown flavour to delicacies. Here’s a list of dishes appreciated by the different Presidents of America. 14 Dishes Appreciated By The Presidents Of America 1. Chicken Fricassee – Abraham Lincoln Esteemed and loved, Abraham Lincoln presided during the simpler times but favored this delicious dish with a to-die-for sauce! A fricassee is a stew brought about with portions of browned meat in butter, served … Read more

23 Most Popular Non-Veg Foods to Eat in New York

New York is a metropolitan city that has not only an abundance of scenic sights but also a beautiful intermingling of cultures. The latter has birthed great culinary trends and exposed people to a humongous variety of flavours and food experiences. Browsing through this zesty assortment, we have picked out 23 dishes that you simply cannot afford to miss if food and especially if meat is your first love. 23 Most Popular Non-Veg Foods to Eat in New York 1. Pastrami Sandwich A sandwich with simple ingredients, the taste of which lingers on your tongue several minutes after the last … Read more

10 Traditional American Dishes That Are Rich In Health

Are Traditional American Dishes healthy? Americans are widely known for their unbeatable love for fast food. The multi-millionaire fast food industry is also a health trendsetter, from demanding health-oriented alternatives from brands and vegan trends to creating the latest avocado recipe! But these traditional American dishes don’t depend on swaying trends or the newest funk created by an influencer. Instead, these recipes come from home. Read here about 10 Traditional American Dishes and recipes that have been passed down from generations, from grandma to her grandsons, cooked in a mother’s kitchen from as far back as the early ’50s, and … Read more