25 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Guinea

Africa’s Guinea is a wonderful nation with some of the best eating customs. Guinean cuisine is incredibly rich and diverse, with various distinctive dishes. The foods in this list are some of the best and should be experienced at least once. 25 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Guinea 1. Bourakhé with Rice White rice is typically served with this cassava leaf-based sauce. In every part of the nation, it is quite well-liked. This quick cuisine is made by many veggies, smoked fish, cassava leaves, dried or fresh meat, palm oil, and occasionally groundnut oil. Peanut sauce is another widely … Read more

17 Quirky Foods to Eat in Nagaland

A state clouded in its mountains and its traditions, and home to the many Naga tribes, Nagaland is a niche of simple yet delicious dishes made from items not usually found in the city culture. The best way to enjoy Naga food is usually at someone’s home where you can enjoy the authentic flavours, for Nagaland doesn’t have a lot of restaurants serving traditional dishes widely. 17 Quirky Foods to Eat in Nagaland 1. Bamboo Steamed Fish A very famous preparation, this is made by stuffing fishes inside the bamboo tube along with spices and herbs. The bamboo is now … Read more