17 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Cambodia

A historian might only refer to Cambodia as a territory ruled by the dictator Pol Pot. But for a foodie, all that matters is the Cambodian Cuisine which is less known to the world but is delectable. Rice is the staple diet, however Fish from the Mekong and Tonle Sap also have a major role in the diet. 17 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Cambodia 1. Fish Amok An amok is a type of thick soup or curry cooked with different ingredients along with vegetables and coconut milk. The most common types are made with fish, beef, or chicken. Usually, … Read more

17 Most Popular Foods to Eat in the Philippines

Unlike many Asian countries, the Philippines has a tradition of eating food with the hands instead of chopsticks. Filipino taste buds tend to favor robust flavors, but the cuisine is not less spicy compared to those of the neighboring Southeast Asian nations. 17 Most Popular Foods to Eat in the Philippines 1. Chicken Adobo Adobo means to ‘marinate’ and is a popular process of cooking in the Philippines. Chicken Adobo is chicken marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and black peppercorns, which are browned in oil, and simmered in the marinade. It’s the most delicious and healthy Filipino dish which … Read more