103 Types Of Microgreens You Should Know

Microgreens are derived from ‘micro,’ meaning small, plus ‘greens,’ meaning vegetables. Microgreens are sprouted plants or baby plants that come along with the vegetables that we eat. We generally eat matured vegetables, but these tiny substances are highly nutritious, even more than the actual matured vegetable. These are called microgreens, young plants with the highest amount of taste, aroma, and flavors and are also packed with high loads of nutritional value. 103 Types Of Microgreens You Should Know 1. Spinach Spinach microgreens are an ideal option to include in your daily diet as they are hassle-free and grow in a … Read more

Top 15 Healthy Seeds To Include In Your Diet

Have you ever wondered how much nutrition you get from your daily meals? If not, then you should. Health should be the primary focus in our lives, so they say, “Health is wealth.” Your meals should include all the important sources that provide essential nutrients to the body, like edible seeds. These tiny seeds are a nutrition bomb that can be a game changer in your healthy life. When consumed on a daily basis, they can serve as the best source of essential nutrients required for the body. We have listed below some of the great edible seeds to help … Read more