The Origin Of Idli Sambhar

No! This is neither the story of any struggler nor the story of our website. It is not anything that you are thinking right now, not even the start of blogs. This is something different, very diverse yet specific. Can you make a guess what this write-up is all about? Well, you got it! This is actually a journey of our favorite food item (even in Sri Lanka). Almost everybody’s favorite, it has curry (daal) with it and is a breakfast item. The blog specifically talks about the origin of the dearest Idli Sambhar. Idli Sambhar is best loved by … Read more

20 Healthy Late-Night Snacks To Binge On

To binge-watch your favorite movie or TV series for a whole night sounds exciting. What if we told you that we had something that would make your late-night binge-watch experience more thrilling? Yes, we are talking about food. These snacks that we are talking about are tasty and healthy. So what are we waiting for? Let us quickly start our chat about these fantastic lip-smacking snacks. 20 Healthy Late-Night Snacks To Binge On 1. Roasted Chickpeas If you like eating chickpeas, then nothing can stop you from enjoying these roasted chickpeas. Although roasted chickpeas have the same protein level as … Read more

7 Ways Convert Junk Food Into Healthy Food

What is junk food? Any food that is processed, high in sugar, low in nutrition and fibers, and high in fats is called junk food. Junk food becomes an instant favorite as it makes us feel happy but at the cost of our health. Junk food and processed food items are creative, but the way they are cooked is wrong; some of the ingredients are bad for health as they are added in many quantities. We all love to eat burgers and pizzas; here is a better way to cook these at home and enjoy the food. These foods are … Read more

11 Healthy Food Dishes for Kids

The growing years are the most important ones. Kids need appropriate nutrition in these years. Including all of the vegetables, fruits, and nutrients is a tough job. Kids are picky eaters, so it becomes a difficult task to cook what they like and which is also nutritious. 11 Healthy Food Dishes for Kids 1. Rava Idli with veggies Everyone loves idli. It makes up a perfect breakfast that is healthy and tasty. Prepare the regular rava idli batter, add chopped carrot pieces, coriander and green beans. Serve them with coconut chutney or tomato ketchup or with the daal which is … Read more

10 Yummy 5-Minute Meals You Should Try Now

Have you ever come up together with your signature 5-minute meals? A fast snack or a beverage recipe is kind of a blessing at moments of hunger twinges that happen either late at midnight or in the middle of the day or even when you have guests at home unexpectedly and don’t have time to cook detailed meals or snacks. At such times, quick and simple or rather 5-minute meals recipes come as a blessing! Whoever said that cooking requires spending long hours within the kitchen certainly didn’t know the fun part of it. There are an entire lot of … Read more

8 Seafood You must eat in Iceland

Iceland is surrounded by sea, so it won’t come as a surprise that the cuisines here are mainly based on fish and sea life. The Icelandic seafood served here revolves around fish, crabs, seahorses, jellyfish, and many more types of sea creatures. There are other food items consumed like dairy products, lambs, or bread. The different world cuisines have also made their way to Iceland, but the folks have not lost their touch with their tradition. They prepare and serve their traditional meal daily. The fish available here are – cod, langoustine, capelin, haddock, monkfish, lobster, salmon, and herring. Traditional … Read more

10 Outdoor Snacks to Surprise Your Guests

Whether you’re craving something chewy, crunchy, salty, or sweet, these outdoor snacks are sure to please you! These simple snack ideas are super easy to make and will get you through the day without jogging for a candy jar. Don’t have time to make one of those extended recipes for your party? Try our favourite! We bring you these finger-licking outdoor snacks that are healthy, easy to make at home, and a perfect menu to surprise your guests. 10 Outdoor Snacks to Surprise Your Guests 1. Potato Skins This could be your absolute favorite appetizer recipe! These easy baked potato … Read more