22 Popular Salads Around The World

Salads are not just meant to be eaten when on a diet. They can be had as a full meal too. And honestly, not all salads are boring and tasteless. So, here are the 14 most popular salads around the world that are more than just lettuce. 22 Popular Salads Around The World 1. Caprese Salad It is an Italian Salad prepared with mozzarella, tomatoes, and sweet basil. The green, white, and red color in the salad actually feature the color of the Italian flag. The name of the salad comes from the Island of Capri where it originated. The … Read more

17 Most Popular Teas Around The World

You are either a coffee person or a tea person. If you are the latter, this is definitely what you need – a list of the popular teas in the world. Teas, as a beverage, have helped you kick start a lazy Monday, helped you socialize, and kept you healthy. So, it is time to get this par-TEA started, brew it away! 17 Most Popular Teas Around The World 1. Maghrebi Mint Tea Popularly known as the Moroccan Mint Tea, it is a green tea with spearmint leaves. The mint brings in a sweet strong flavor into the tea. Originating … Read more

15 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Costa Rica

A Central American country lying between 8 to 12 degrees above the Equator experiences 2 major seasons – summer, which is mostly dry, and winter, which is wet and rainy. Due to its immense diversity in terms of flora and fauna, this county has become quite a popular travel destination. The beaches and volcanoes are a cherry on the top for the tourists, but there is always some room for a variety of tasty food and desserts. 15 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Costa Rica 1. Gallo Pinto A dish you can’t skip here, Gallo Pinto which typically means … Read more

12 Best Beverages to Try Out in Peru

From Pisco Sour to soft drinks to medicinal tea, this drinks guide has you covered for your stay in Peru. Here is a guide through the variety of beverages popularly consumed in Peru for you to gulp down as well on your visit there. 12 Best Beverages to Try Out in Peru 1. Pisco Sour Pisco Sour is known to be the national drink of Peru. This drink has its own holiday as well, National Pisco Sour Day. Peruvian Pisco is used as its base liquor. Lime juice, syrup, egg white, ice, and Angostura bitters are then added. The balance … Read more

15 Desserts You must try out In Brazil

Brazil is blessed with a variety of candies and traditional desserts passed down to the modern age to satisfy the sweet-toothed, or as they would say in Portuguese, the guloso. Often their desserts are variations on Portuguese desserts made with local ingredients. They really know how to end a meal and make it memorable. So here’s a guide to the 15 desserts you need to help yourself to. 15 Desserts You must try out In Brazil 1. Brigadeiro Brigadeiro is a traditional Brazilian dessert made using condensed milk, butter, cocoa powder, and covered with chocolate sprinkles. They can be served … Read more

15 Best Street Foods to Eat in Brazil

There’s nothing Brazilians love more than their food. A country with such a diverse range of dishes owing to its multicultural influence, it has something unique to suit everyone’s palette. With street food a-plenty, here are 15 items you’ll have to indulge in! 15 Best Street Foods to Eat in Brazil 1. Acarajé A classic northeastern dish in Brazil that has its roots in African cooking, acarajé is a deep-fried patty made with black-eyed peas and pureed onions, all fried in palm oil. This fritter is split open and stuffed with a spicy filling of vatapa – a rich puree … Read more

30 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Brazil

Brazil is a colorful country with its cuisine as colorful as its culture and love for sports. One of the largest Portuguese-speaking countries in the world, with both African and Portuguese influence on its food, Brazil is a melting pot of flavors that are simple but impact your taste buds like nothing else. 30 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Brazil 1. Farofa Doesn’t sound like much since it is basically just fried cassava flour that sometimes includes bits of fried bacon or eggs, but this is something you’ll never really appreciate unless you actually try it. Farofa is unique … Read more

12 Most Popular Street Foods to Eat in America

When it comes to tasting the best street food around the globe, American street food does cross our minds. America is the dream destination every person would want to visit during their lifetime. There is absolutely no chance that one would be oblivious of the scrumptious food around the streets of the nation. Every corner of the country has something tempting and delicious to offer, leaving our taste buds craving for more. 12 Most Popular Street Foods to Eat in America 1. American Hot Dog One of the most savored street foods by the American natives is Hot Dog. It … Read more

8 Most Outrageously Expensive Dishes Around The World

Food is something that drives our stomachs crazy. From a double cheese burst pizza to a Chappan bhog thali, any dish, from any cuisine, it’s all the same for the foodies. What’s the most expensive dish have you ever ordered? A platter, or a good fancy cuisine? What does it cost you? A thousand bucks? Well, that’s what we can assume a high price for a dish. Unfortunately, that’s not the only limit if the bar is set too high. 8 Most Outrageously Expensive Dishes Around The World 1. The Golden Phoenix Cupcake These golden cupcakes are located in the … Read more