50 Most Popular Foods To Eat In Japan

The traditional Japanese cuisine is well known as ‘washoku,’ which is one of the most sundry and engrossing foods worldwide. These seasonal cuisines evolved over a 100-year period behind the closed doors of this formerly bourgeois nation and are now celebrated on the global epicurean scene for their originality, healthiness, and inheritance. 50 Most Popular Foods To Eat In Japan 1. Sushi Sushi is one of the traditional Japanese cuisines made by amalgamating vinegar rice and seafood. These are a type of fermented sushi, also known as nare-zushi, but the most common types of sushi are nigiri-zushi and temaki-zushi 2. Tempura … Read more

22 Types Of Mochi To Try Out in Japan

First, we will start with a question – what is mochi? The answer is that, basically, it’s a sticky rice cake made up of glutinous rice, also known as mochigome. Mochi is one of the traditional Japanese desserts made by pounding the steamed rice grains using a tool called usu along with kine, which is a mortar and pestle. But nowadays it’s made by machines or at home. 22 Types Of Mochi To Try Out in Japan 1. The New Year’s Mochi Mochi has a lot of traditional factors in Japanese culture. It basically means sticky and is known to … Read more