25 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Guinea

Africa’s Guinea is a wonderful nation with some of the best eating customs. Guinean cuisine is incredibly rich and diverse, with various distinctive dishes. The foods in this list are some of the best and should be experienced at least once. 25 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Guinea 1. Bourakhé with Rice White rice is typically served with this cassava leaf-based sauce. In every part of the nation, it is quite well-liked. This quick cuisine is made by many veggies, smoked fish, cassava leaves, dried or fresh meat, palm oil, and occasionally groundnut oil. Peanut sauce is another widely … Read more

11 Delicious Staple Rice Dishes From Around The World

Baas, Chawal, Reis, Riz, Kome, Arici—Rice! A staple to countries abounds, rice is prevalent in numerous nations and within many hearts. These staple rice dishes embody the warmth of homely food and the spirit of home. Rice is the one food item that connects You and Me. From little hard grains to boiled soft white rice, here are 11 staple rice dishes from 11 different countries that will remind you of home. 11 Delicious Staple Rice Dishes From Around The World 1. Nasi Goreng – Indonesia, Malaysia Warm cooked rice stir-fried over medium heat with fresh green vegetables, pieces of … Read more

10 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Spain

The history that formed the local culture and society has strongly influenced Spanish foods and cuisine. It derives from the Spanish invasions and conquests that have changed customs and made new dishes available. If there is one thing that all Spaniards definitely share, it is their love for food and drinks. So here is a list of must-try Spanish foods for you. 10 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Spain 1. Tortilla Espanola Popularly known as the Spanish Omelet, Tortilla Espanola is one of the many signature dishes of Spain. It is an omelet that has potato in it and … Read more

15 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Spain

It is a country with immense beauty, youth, and fashion that has always attracted so many to visit it. We can be thankful to this county for more reasons than we can count on our fingers. Giving us places like Ibiza and Casa Batllo, Tables of Toledo and Chupa Chups (and everything in between). Now let’s count on some dishes for which we are thankful to Spain. 15 Most Popular Foods to Eat in Spain 1. Cafe con Leche Let’s start the list with coffee ’cause why not. Not a coffee lover? Try this drink from Spain. Either you love … Read more