12 Best Desserts You Must Try Out in Lebanon

A good hearty Lebanese meal is incomplete without a generous serving of dessert. Lebanese cuisine has a wide variety of decadent sweets, an absolute delight for every sweet addict. What makes the Lebanese desserts so special is the use of spices like turmeric and cinnamon along with rose water and orange blossom. This unique combination of flavors is what makes the dishes so unique and unforgettable. Here are some of the most delicious Lebanese desserts that Lebanon has to offer. 12 Best Desserts You Must Try Out in Lebanon 1. Riz bi Haleeb Riz bi haleeb is a Lebanese-style rice … Read more

15 Best Desserts You Must Try Out in the Middle East

What makes Middle Eastern desserts different from the rest is the fact that they even smell good with their floral ingredients such as rose water. And they are soaked in sweet syrups making them an absolute feast in your mouth. Well, the Middle East is just not about the kebabs, there’s more to it, and trust me, you just cannot afford to miss out on them. 15 Best Desserts You Must Try Out in the Middle East 1. Baklava Although there are a lot of debates around the origin of this yummy crispy pastry, it is majorly believed that this … Read more