103 Types Of Microgreens You Should Know

Microgreens are derived from ‘micro,’ meaning small, plus ‘greens,’ meaning vegetables. Microgreens are sprouted plants or baby plants that come along with the vegetables that we eat. We generally eat matured vegetables, but these tiny substances are highly nutritious, even more than the actual matured vegetable. These are called microgreens, young plants with the highest amount of taste, aroma, and flavors and are also packed with high loads of nutritional value. 103 Types Of Microgreens You Should Know 1. Spinach Spinach microgreens are an ideal option to include in your daily diet as they are hassle-free and grow in a … Read more

14 Best Desserts to Eat in South India

South India consists of five states- Tamil Nadu, Kerela, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana, and three union territories of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobarese, and Puducherry. South India, thus, has different cultures which give rise to different tastes. South Indian sweets are popular all over the country. Some of them are similar to many North Indian sweets. Coconut and jaggery are important ingredients of South Indian sweets. Here are 14 sweets from South India that everyone should look forward to tasting. 14 Best Desserts to Eat in South India 1. Mysore Pak It was first prepared in the Kitchen of Mysore … Read more