30 Best Desserts You Must Try Out in Canada

Wanting a sweet tooth? Try these small-bite Canada-style desserts. The cuisine of this place is a massive cultural poutine of distinct dishes that range across the country, with influences from England, Scotland, France, America, and indigenous nations. 30 Best Desserts You Must Try Out in Canada 1. Nanaimo bars This is named after the city in British Columbia where it originated, making it possibly the most famous of Canadian desserts. Its gooey sweetness is world-renowned, and it is simply made from a coconut-graham, custard filling, cracker-nut crust, and chocolate ganache topping. 2. Butter tarts Should you raisin or not raisin? … Read more

12 Fascinating Facts about Indian Dishes

Indian cuisine consists of a variety of modern and traditional food. Indian cuisine is influenced by the diversity in climate, soil type, culture, occupation, and region. All the food is made from available spices, vegetables, and fruits. The food is also influenced by religion. This cuisine has many flavors and here, we come up with 12 facts about Indian cuisine that will stir your interest. 12 Fascinating Facts about Indian Dishes 1. Land Of Exotic Spices Do you know why Indian food is so delicious with tantalizing taste? It is because of the spices Indians have. India is the largest … Read more